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Oct 22nd, 2015

Are you going to be affected by cuts to tax credits?

By Sarah Holtam

Cuts to tax credits are the talk of the country. They’re being discussed on every chat show, news bulletin and on the front of every paper. And the one thing that’s making the difference? People telling personal stories about how they are affected.

38 Degrees members have been emailing, phoning and tweeting their MPs to talk about how cuts to tax credits will affect them. And the pressure is working. More and more MPs are coming out against these cuts – including a growing number of Conservatives.

Sharing personal stories is the most effective way to explain the true impact of tax credit cuts. It’s the one thing that has the power to change an MP’s mind.

Would you set up a face-to-face meeting with your MP to explain how you’d be affected by tax credit cuts and help them realise that this is personal? They are elected to represent you – it’s their job to hear your story and their staff should do all they can to arrange a meeting.

There’s just two simple steps to take:

1) Call your MP’s constituency office:
Give their office a quick call, and ask their staff for a meeting with your MP to talk about tax credits. Some MPs hold regular surgeries to meet constituents, some might be a bit trickier to track down.

You can find out the phone number by putting your MPs name into an internet search (like Google). To find out who’s your MPs (click here)

2) Once you’ve spoken to your MP’s office, let the 38 Degrees team know so we can support you:
The office team will be here at every step of the way. We can provide advice to help you prepare for the meeting. And if you want us to, we can invite along other 38 Degrees members from your area to give you moral support.

If we make sure our MPs feel our pressure, we can help make sure this appalling cut never happens. So please can you call your MP’s office now and set a time and place to meet your MP?

Once you’ve got a time and place arranged with your MP, you could enter the details online so that the office team can support you every step of the way. To let us know about a meeting: click here

If you think you might be interested in meeting your MP, but want to speak to someone in the office first, just let us know here.

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