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Nov 17th, 2015

Freedom of Information: sign the petition

By Rebecca Falcon

The MPs’ expenses scandal was exposed by Freedom of Information laws (FOI). But these laws are under threat. Self-serving politicians want to shut swathes of information off from people and journalists.


There’s just 24 hours left to challenge these dangerous plans. A government consultation closes on Friday. So 38 Degrees members are building a huge petition, to leave them in no doubt – we believe the right to question our politicians should be at the heart of our democracy.

38 Degrees members will take the petition to Westminster on Thursday. Can you add your name now? It only takes ten seconds. Here’s the petition.

Hundreds of journalists, organisations and ordinary people use FOI every day to hold politicians to account. But, the government’s plans to water down FOI could see:

– Ministers having more power to block the release of information they don’t want us to know,
– swathes of information being completely closed off from the public,
– us having to pay for information about what our own politicians are up to.

38 Degrees members believe democracy only works when people are involved. So if you believe we have the right to know what the government is doing in our name, please add your name to the petition calling for a strong FOI law.

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