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Dec 1st, 2015

Results: should 38 Degrees respond to the situation in Syria?

By Megan Bentall

Public opinion is split on whether to bomb Syria. It’s a complicated issue, and every result of a ‘public opinion’ poll says something different.

So yesterday, all 38 Degrees members received a survey, asking for opinions on airstrikes in Syria. 135,661 38 Degrees members have taken part so far.

Firstly, 38 Degrees members were asked:

Do you think the UK should join airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria?

syria yes no dont know

This shows that the majority of 38 Degrees members are opposed to airstrikes in Syria.

The next question asked 38 Degrees members:

What do you think 38 Degrees should do?

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This shows that 57% of 38 Degrees members think 38 Degrees should campaign against airstrikes. However, 44% of 38 Degrees members have a different opinion – from supporting airstrikes, to wanting 38 Degrees to stay neutral, to staying out of the issue entirely.

Here are some comments left by 38 Degrees members from all sides of the argument:

No indiscriminate airstrikes bombing innocent people. (…) Focus on helping people who ask for help. Help refugees. Don’t pick sides.” Conor

I support the bombing. ISIS is such a perverted ideology that there is no point at all in any sort of dialogue with them.” Robert

I honestly don’t know but don’t feel more violence is the answer if it can be avoided.” Jackie

Finally, 38 Degrees members were asked to rank this issue, as a campaign, against other 38 Degrees campaigns. Here is the result:

Members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland ranked 38 Degrees’ campaigns and issues as following:

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Members in Scotland ranked 38 Degrees’ campaigns and issues as following:

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It comes second-bottom of the list of campaign priorities for 38 Degrees members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and bottom for 38 Degrees members in Scotland.

Overall, whilst the majority of 38 Degrees members are opposed to airstrikes, it hasn’t been prioritised as a 38 Degrees campaign by members. This data had fed into the decision for 38 Degrees not to take a stance on airstrikes in Syria at the moment, but to facilitate 38 Degrees members getting in touch with their MPs to share their views.

So, before MPs vote at 10pm on Wednesday 2nd December, please email your MP now. All you need to do to email your MP is click here. There’s no suggested text, so everyone can tell their MP what they think.


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