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Dec 14th, 2015

We won! Trump was stripped of his honorary degree

By Trish Murray

We did it! Because of 38 Degrees members, Donald Trump was stripped of his honorary degree from a Scottish University. He’s a self-serving billionaire, whose racist, sexist speeches fly in the face of equality. He’s using fear, hatred and division to try to win power. Trump stands for everything we don’t.

When British institutions decorate people like Trump with awards and honours, it says to the world that they are someone important: a role model, someone worth listening to. Yesterday, we stripped him of an honour and showed the world what 38 Degrees members think of his hate-filled opinions.


donald trump

Here’s how we won this campaign together:

38 Degrees member Suzanne kick-started a petition on Campaigns by You when she discovered Trump held an honorary degree from a university in Scotland. She shared the campaign with her family and friends – and when Trump’s hate-filled comments about Muslims caused uproar and hit the headlines, it snowballed. 

As Suzanne watched her huge petition grow, 38 Degrees members applied more pressure on the head of the university by emailing him in our thousands. We flooded the university with tweets, asking for the degree to be revoked.

And when it seemed like the head of the university was wavering, we gave him the final nudge he needed by making hundreds of phone calls together. The university was overwhelmed, and quickly announced they had stripped Trump of the honour! Here’s what 38 Degrees member Suzanne said about the victory:

“If anyone ever doubts the point of petitions, show them what 76,000 people did yesterday. I want to give my sincere thanks to everyone who took the time to stand up, and I applaud the university for doing the right thing.”

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