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Mar 18th, 2016

PIP: Where to find support if you’ll be affected

By Kahra Wayland-Larty

0808 808 7777

Together, we’re fighting cuts to Personal Independence Payments. But for many of us, this is more than just an unfair cut – it will affect our daily lives.

For those of us who will be affected by this cut, or who have family members who will be, here is a list of some useful resources to find support.

Please do also share further resources, links, and messages of support, in the comments section below.

What is PIP, how much is it, and who will the proposed cuts affect?

PIP covers the extra costs of disability. It comes in different levels, which are decided by an assessment. Any changes to PIP, if they are successfully voted on by the government, will only come into effect in 2017.

Disability Rights UK have a useful guide to PIP & how to claim: www.disabilityrightsuk.org/personal-independence-payment-pip

Rethink Mental Illness also have a useful guide you can download here: file:///C:/Users/Kahra/Downloads/Personal%20Independence%20Payment%20Factsheet.pdf
They also have a selection of guides for other benefits & issues here: https://www.rethink.org/living-with-mental-illness/money-issues-benefits-employment/welfare-benefits-and-mental-illness

This article explains who will be affected by the proposed cuts: http://www.itv.com/news/2016-03-18/explainer-who-will-be-affected-by-cuts-to-disability-benefits/

If you’ll be affected and need advice on what to do

The Citizens’ Advice Bureau will issue guidance on the changes as soon as anything official is announced. No changes will come into play until 2017, and PIP claimants will be given more information at a later date, if the cuts are confirmed.

Places to discuss your situation & find support

Scope have a discussion forum for people affected by disability (personally or a family member) here: https://community.scope.org.uk/?gclid=CMDN2IXRyssCFUEaGwoddbkI7QThey also have a support page: http://www.scope.org.uk/support
and a support helpline, open 9am-5pm – 0808 800 3333 (freephone)

Rethink Mental Illness have guide for local mental health services and groups, found here: https://www.rethink.org/services-groups/ and an advice line – 0300 5000 927 (freephone, Monday – Friday 10am – 2pm)

For young people aged under 25, Get Connected offer counselling over the phone or via webchat:
Call: 0808 808 4994
Visit: http://www.getconnected.org.uk/mental-health/get-connected-counselling/#livechat

For Carers, Carers UK have a help and advice page: http://www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice and you can call for support on 0808 808 7777 (freephone)


Crisis contacts:

Samaritans: Call 116 123 at any time, day or night.
Or Email jo@samaritans.org


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