Apr 22nd, 2016
Leaving the EU: fact checked
By bex
This week Michael Gove unleashed big claims about why we should leave the EU. But was everything he said true? A team of independent experts have speedily fact-checked his claims, so we can get the truth out together.
The more of us who share the facts, the more people will be able to make their own minds up about Europe. Click the image below to watch the short video, then please can you share the facts with your friends? You can share them as a video or as a factsheet:
The outcome of the EU referendum will have a big impact on all of us. And we know that we can’t leave it up to politicians with personal agendas to dominate the debate. That’s why thousands of us voted that 38 Degrees shouldn’t pick a side. Instead, we’re coming together as a crack team of 38 Degrees members, expert researchers, filmmakers and social media sharers to spread thefacts and get the truth out.
If each of us shares the facts today with our friends and family, we can reach millions of people. We can use the truth to beat the spin, so people can make their own minds up about whether to stay or leave the EU. Please can you watch and share the video now? Just click the image:
PS: Last week, we fact checked the government’s leaflet telling us why we should stay in the EU – and together 38 Degrees members made sure the truth was seen by over half a million people. In case you missed it, here it is again: