May 19th, 2016
EU: fact vs fiction
By Becca McCarthy
Any day now, the ‘In’ and ‘Out’ campaigns will send out leaflets to millions of households telling people how to vote in the EU referendum. They’ll be filled with spin and unsupported claims that’ll leave people even more confused than before.
But 38 Degrees members can make sure that voters get the unbiased facts. Right now, independent experts are investigating the claims made in the leaflets to separate fact from fiction. Together, we can spread the facts far and wide – with our own leaflets, videos and beer mats – to give everyone the information they need to make up their minds.
But spreading the truth isn’t going to be cheap. 38 Degrees members voted to work together to cut through the spin and get the facts out. So if we’re going to get the facts to millions of people we need to raise £50,000 for leaflets and fact filled beer mats. And the printing deadline is 4pm this Friday.
Please can you chip in a few pounds now to make sure people get the facts they need on the EU referendum? It takes just two minutes:
The EU Referendum is probably the biggest political decision the British public has faced this century. But it’s just one month to go until the vote, and we’re still hearing dubious ‘facts’ and dodgy claims from both sides.
38 Degrees members can change all that. Experts from Full Fact, a charity dedicated to fact-checking, are working day and night to investigate the claims. If enough of us chip in, there’s so much we could do to get the truth out:
1) leaflets that 38 Degrees members will hand out all across the country
2) hard-hitting adverts that we could take out in the country’s top newspapers
3) Facebook, Twitter and YouTube videos that will help spread the facts to millions of people online
4) thousands of fact covered beer mats to fuel lively debates at the pub.
But getting the facts out there won’t come cheap, Lorna. We need to raise £50,000 to make this plan a reality, and we’ve got just 3 days to do it. Please can you chip in a few pounds now? Anything you can afford will be a huge help.