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Jun 24th, 2016

Trump got the message

By Kathryn Stribley

Trump got the message, ‘Love Trumps Hate’, but not quite how we wanted.

Nearly 14,000 people signed the petition asking Donald Trump to visit a Mosque in Scotland to learn about Islam. Every name on the petition helps prove that Scotland rejects racism and bigotry.

We knew he would be coming to Turnberry golf course to cut the ribbon on his golf course, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get this message across to Trump. So, thousands of 38 Degrees members across Scotland put ideas down about how to get a message across to Trump, and a plane was decided on.

However, we got too much media coverage on the morning of the event. Trump called for a no-fly zone and freedom of speech was overruled. But, we still flew the plane a few miles north of the golf course and got even more press coverage then if he had allowed us to fly – thanks for that Trump, hope you got the message in the newspapers!

Here are just a few pictures of the plane:

**** FREE FIRST USE. DO NOT ALTER IPTC DATA **** IN PIC................. ÔLove trumps hateÕ: A message to Donald Trump carried by a plane crowdfunded by 38 Degrees members. Plane had to carry message well to the north of Turnberry because of no-fly zone. (c) Wullie Marr/38 degrees For pic details, contact Wullie Marr........... 07989359845

**** FREE FIRST USE. DO NOT ALTER IPTC DATA **** IN PIC................. ÔLove trumps hateÕ: A message to Donald Trump carried by a plane crowdfunded by 38 Degrees members. Plane had to carry message well to the north of Turnberry because of no-fly zone. (c) Wullie Marr/38 degrees For pic details, contact Wullie Marr........... 07989359845

The headlines the next day shouted:

Donald Trump flies in for Scotland visit as protesters converge on Turnberry (the Guardian)

They are set to trail an aerial banner with the message ‘Love Trumps Hate’ (the Daily Mail)

Newsflash: the Donald has landed (The Times)

No fly zone imposed over Turnberry as Trump flies in (Deadline News)


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