Aug 5th, 2016
Brexit and Trade
By Rachel Whalley
An incredible 300,000 of us have already put our heads together to shape a people-powered plan for Brexit. We’re writing a bold vision that puts ordinary people first. Not politicians and big business.
Our demands for our NHS and the economy are taking shape – from making sure we have enough doctors and nurses to ensuring the government cracks down on tax dodging.
But if we’re going to get the NHS we want, and an economy that works for everyone, we need trade deals that put ordinary people – us – at the heart. Trade deals can sound dry and technical, but new plans negotiated after Brexit could mean our NHS is privatised and our food and medicine safety standards are lowered.
The government wants to negotiate with big business and lobbyists in secret so we’ve got to make sure we have our say. You’ve got 24 hours to vote on what Brexit should mean for trade and how can we get deals that work for everyone?
Click on our first question to get you started:
Whichever way we voted in the EU referendum, we all want a society with fairness at its heart. And where deals negotiated by politicians and businesses in back rooms don’t determine whether we get the healthcare we need or food that’s safe to eat.
So it’s time to come together to create a list of non-negotiable demands for trade. Just like before with the NHS and the economy, you can weigh in online, over the phone, or fill out the questions with your friends and family. You can rate whether you agree with the current demands, as well as suggest new ones.
But you only have 24 hours to rate the demands, so, get started by clicking the statement below:
Our people-powered Brexit plan isn’t about politicians or what big corporations want. It’s about us, our way of life and the society we want. And it’s just too important to leave politicians to figure out the big questions about trade and what happens to our public services after Brexit. People power is the only way we can make sure that our governments follow a plan that works for all of us. So let’s start by getting our demands together.
Click on the link below to take part now: