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Aug 25th, 2016

Save our Human Rights

By Samuel Read

The government’s trying to abolish the Human Rights Act. It’s the law which gives us the right not to be tortured, the right to a fair trial and the right to an education and allows us to hold public institutions like the police, prisons and councils, to account.

People power got us these rights, and now it’s up to us to stand up for them again. The campaign to protect the Human Rights Act starts with a huge petition to prove to the government that we’re a force to be reckoned with.

275,000 people have already signed the petition to save the Human Rights Act. Have you added your name yet? Click the link below to sign the petition:


The government can’t make its mind up about the Human Rights Act. Just last year they ditched plans to scrap it when they realised how unpopular they were. Now, Justice Minister Liz Truss has said the plans are back on the table.

They want to replace it with a “British Bill of Rights” – but experts say that some of our rights might be watered down or lost altogether.

If thousands of us ask our friends to sign the petition today, we can prove public opinion is against scrapping the Human Rights Act – and show we’re prepared to fight for it. It could convince the government to nip these plans in the bud once and for all.

Please will you ask your friends to add their names? Click below to share the petition on Facebook:


Here’s a few ways the Human Rights Act has protected people when they needed it most:


38 Degrees members come from all walks of life, but we can all agree that every human being deserves to to be treated with dignity and respect. The Human Rights Act protects those rights – and we can’t let the government take it away.

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