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Sep 7th, 2016

Hinkley Point

By Megan Bentall

Any day now, Theresa May will decide whether to approve the Hinkley Point nuclear plant in Somerset. It would cost us £1bn a year in taxes, leave us with higher energy bills and could even put our national security at risk.

Theresa May is undecided. She’s spoken out against Hinkley before, and had advice from all corners to say no to the deal. But she’s under huge pressure from big business and foreign investors who want a piece of the profits.

A huge public outcry against the plans could make up her mind once and for all. We don’t have much time – Theresa May will be making her decision within days.

Economists, engineers, environmentalists and business leaders all want the plans scrapped. There are other, better sources of energy Britain could invest in instead – energy scientists have said that new offshore wind farms would be better value for money. And many are concerned over China’s proposed involvement in the plans.

When Theresa May was Home Secretary, she was worried about Hinkley, and spoke out against the plans. Now as PM, she’s already delayed her decision. A huge petition now showing the public are behind her could give her the last push she needs to scrap these plans once and for all.

These are just some of the voices speaking out against the Hinkley nuclear plant.

“Downing Street knows what the Treasury knows and every energy pundit and commentator knows. They know what the French know and the Chinese know. They all know that Hinkley is a dud, a rip-off, a blunder.”
– Simon Jenkins, The Guardian

“Hinkley Point C is a total waste of money… [The government] should take it off the table and move to more sensible solutions.”
– CEO, Legal and General

“It’s encouraging the Government is rethinking this terrible deal that would see consumers paying exorbitant bills for decades. The technology is completely unproven and the costs and time needed to build the reactors has already doubled since the initial proposal.”
– Taxpayers Alliance

“As part of a sensible overhaul of this country’s energy strategy for the next half-century, taking into account fast-changing renewable technologies that could render fossil fuels obsolete within a generation, Hinkley Point needs to be scrapped.”
– The Times

“The Prime Minister’s decision to review the £18 billion Hinkley Point nuclear power project has won a cheer from everyone not in line to make money from it. When the holidays are over… Theresa May should go further and cancel the scheme.”
– Max Hastings, Daily Mail

“I am wondering if we should go ahead with the project. The sums involved are colossal. Segolene Royal, French Energy Minister Britain should cancel its nuclear white elephant and spend the billions on making renewables work.”
– The Economist

“Hinkley is a legacy of Osborne’s thinking – a love of vanity projects, funded by overseas governments.”
– Ross Clark, The Spectator

“I am wondering if we should go ahead with the project. The sums involved are colossal.”
– Segolene Royal, French Energy Minister

“Its significance to the UK’s needs for secure, modern supplies of electricity has been repeatedly overplayed.”
– Chief Executive, Scottish and Southern Electricity

“Britain should cancel its nuclear white elephant and spend the billions on making renewables work. The Economist Supporting early new nuclear projects could lead to higher costs in the short term than continuing to support wind and solar. The cost competitiveness of nuclear power is weakening as wind and solar become more established.”
– National Audit Office

“EDF and the Chinese nuclear state owned companies will reap the rewards of the UK government’s generosity while renewable companies are going bust due to lack of government support. The new Prime Minister should put a stop to this disastrous Hinkley deal as one of her first acts as leader.”
– John Sauven, Greenpeace

“We see ample reason for the UK Government to delay or cancel the project. We have just done this absolutely crazy deal with the French, EDF Energy, to produce nuclear energy which shows no sign of working and looks like being unbelievably expensive.”
– Boris Johnson, former Mayor of London

Please can you sign the petition to demand the plans for this costly nuclear plant are dropped? It’ll take just a few seconds:


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