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Sep 13th, 2016

Dangerous Cuts

By Louie Herbert

To be safe on Scotland’s mountains you need to be prepared for the worst that spring, summer, autumn and winter can throw at you. And on Scotland’s hills you can get them all in a couple of hours.

Now a service that provides life-saving information is under threat. The Mountain Weather Information Service (MWIS) provides free, detailed, expert updates on dangerous weather on all the hills and mountains of Scotland. It costs just £36,000 a year to run – but publicly funded “SportScotland” are thinking of cutting that.

38 Degrees member Kevin, who’s a regular walker and climber, thinks that’s a terrible mistake and has started a petition to save it. If thousands of us join him now we can pile the pressure on SportScotland to protect MWIS’s funding.

From the Cobbler to Suilven and Lochnagar to the Cuillin, Scotland has some of the world’s most beautiful mountains – and everyone has a right to enjoy them safely. Knowing what conditions are likely to be can be the difference between life and death.

Already, thousands of us have added our names to save this service. Here’s what other 38 Degrees members who’ve signed the petition are saying:

“As a mountaineer and mountain leader in training, I rely on this valuable resource to ensure that I, and others, stay safe in the Scottish mountains.”

“In these times when we are trying to encourage folk to get ‘off the couch’ and do some exercise [cutting this service] seems like a backward step.”

“I use this website nearly daily as I volunteer for mountain rescue and find it an invaluable resource.”

Please join them in calling to save this service by signing the petition today. It only takes a minute:



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