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Oct 14th, 2016

Worse than Trump’s golf course

By 38 Degrees team

Plans for a golf course at Coul Links in the Highlands threaten more than 50 acres of beautiful, unspoilt, natural habitat. 38 Degrees member Andrew believes that this plan would be even worse for Scottish wildlife than Donald Trump’s development in Aberdeenshire. So he’s started a campaign to save Coul Links.

Locals and wildlife experts have already spoken out against the plans. They’re at a very early stage so what we need now is a huge petition, to show the Highland Council how much Scotland rejects this proposal. It could be enough to knock these plans into a bunker.

Here’s what Andrew says:

“Plans for a golf course at Coul Links, within Loch Fleet Site of Special Scientific Interest, would mean disrupting, digging, turfing and mowing 53 acres of what is presently an internationally important natural habitat, threatening many species.”

If you agree with Andrew that Scotland’s natural places should be preserved – and not turned into golf courses – please take a moment to sign his petition.


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