Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here

Oct 18th, 2016

Scotrail Rip Off

By 38 Degrees team

A whopping 14,000 of us have signed the petition demanding that the Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf gets tough on ScotRail. And our huge wave of public pressure has meant the minister wants to meet 38 Degrees members tomorrow to hear about our ScotRail experiences.

But that means we’ve got just 24 hours until we deliver our petition. And now we have the minister’s attention, we can make sure he acts. If we can push the petition over the line to 20,000 signatures it’ll send a clear message that time’s run out for ScotRail’s bosses.

So please can you add your name now? Click the button below and your name will be added to the petition automatically. Here’s what the petition says:

To: Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf

Make ScotRail bosses improve Scotland’s trains or strip them of their contract.

Sign the petition with one click:


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