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Feb 15th, 2017

Start A Petition: Help New Mums get Maternity Support

By Nicole G

There’s an important article in the news which you might be interested in?

If you, or someone you know set up a petition about it, it would be the first step in creating real change on the issue. 38 Degrees is a movement that brings people together and we’ll be here to help you run the petition with the tools and support you need every step of the way.

Here’s the article what do you think?


14 February 2017 – The Guardian

Tens of thousands of new mothers a year are seeking help at an A&E unit or GP surgery because they cannot reach a midwife to ask them for advice, a new study has found.

Mothers worried about a problem with their own or their baby’s health are adding to the strain on family doctors, emergency departments and walk-in centres because of midwife shortages and because they have “nowhere else to go”, says the parenting charity the NCT – which undertook the research.

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Would you be interested in launching a petition asking Jeremy Hunt for more NHS funding to help all new mums get maternity support they need? The 38 Degrees staff team will help you, with support on writing and launching a petition, spreading the word and growing support – all so we can create real change on this issue.

Every day, up and down the country, thousands of people are using the 38 Degrees website to win campaigns, and change issues just like this one.

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38 Degrees gets its name from the way that snowflakes can combine to create something as powerful as an avalanche. It’s when snow on mountains is at 38 degrees that avalanches are most likely to happen. It means that although individually it can feel hard to create change, when we act together in the same direction we can move mountains.

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