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Feb 23rd, 2017

NHS Policy Picker

By Rachel Whalley

The man holding our country’s purse strings is insisting there’s no more money for the NHS. Chancellor Philip Hammond is ignoring the people queuing in A&E corridors and waiting for cancelled operations. We’ve got to prove he’s wrong before it’s too late.

Thousands of us chipped in for research to find practical solutions to get the NHS more cash. There are 28 different ideas on the table, but politicians will want to know which ones are most popular with the public. Today, if thousands of us vote to pick the best ones, the results will be added to a report packed with evidence and delivered to MPs next week.

This is a bold move to save the NHS. It won’t be easy. But if we get it right, the money raised from just a few of these plans could transform lives. It could slash waiting times for MRI scans or put thousands more nurses on hospital wards.

Please will you take a few minutes to pick the NHS funding ideas you prefer? The vote closes in 48 hours. Here’s the first choice: which option do you prefer?

Increase the tax paid on petrol and other fuels


Increase income tax by 1p

The expert research has discovered dozens of ways to raise money for the NHS. Some of the ideas are simple, but others are more controversial. That’s why each of us needs to take a few minutes to vote on what we prefer.

Philip Hammond and the government would prefer us to think budgets and policies are too complicated for us to understand. Together we can show him he’s wrong: that it’s possible to find solutions to the NHS crisis with common sense and determination. That’s something 38 Degrees members – you and millions of others – have in bucketloads.

On your own, it would be daunting to figure out the best ideas for how to fund our NHS properly. But being a part of 38 Degrees means you’re working together with thousands and thousands of us to make decisions. Together, we have the power to make something big happen for our NHS.

Please will you pick your favourite ideas for the NHS, before the report is delivered to MPs? It’ll only take a few minutes to have your say. Vote here.

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