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Mar 7th, 2017

NHS People Power

By Rachel Whalley

The British public have a clear message: we demand more funding for health and social care. It’s on the front page of the papers, there’s debate after debate in parliament, and just this weekend thousands of people came together on the streets of London.

You’re part of a powerful group of ordinary people ready to stand up for the best healthcare system in the world. We won’t solve this crisis overnight. But we’re getting closer to the tipping point where politicians know they have to do something. There’s power in numbers – and to get stronger still, we need more people to get involved.

If each of us gets one more person involved in the campaign for our NHS and social care, we’d double our impact overnight. Please will you share this post on Facebook.

More than 320,000 of us have signed the petition demanding more funding for the NHS, and 140,000 more have called for money for social care. We’ve emailed our MPs, asking more and more of them to speak out. We’re even setting the agenda by putting forward practical, common sense ideas to fix the NHS funding crisis.

It’d be impossible to do any of this by ourselves – but that’s why hundreds of thousands of us work together as part of 38 Degrees.

If you can think of a friend or relative who cares about the NHS, please can you share this on Facebook now? Share on Facebook.

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