Mar 21st, 2017
IKEA – pay drivers a fair wage!
By Rachel Whalley
It’s 2017 and some drivers for Ikea are earning less than £3 an hour. Working hundreds of miles away from home, they’re earning so little that they’re forced to eat and sleep in their own lorries for months at a time.
By bringing over drivers from poorer countries to work, Ikea are getting away with paying rock bottom wages. But the BBC’s exposed Ikea’s treatment of their drivers and they’re under pressure to fix the problem. Until now they’ve been making excuses and dodging questions – but that’s where we come in as 38 Degrees members.
There are 23 million people on Ikea’s facebook page, that’s a third of the country. And there are millions of us receiving this email right now. If each of us takes 30 seconds to write on their page, it will send a very public message to Ikea in front of all of their customers: we expect them to pay their drivers properly.
Will you tell Ikea to pay its drivers fair wages? Leave a comment here.
Ikea’s a household name. A lot of us could be sitting on an Ikea sofa or an armchair reading this. But it could have been transported across Europe to our door by someone who hasn’t slept in a proper bed for months. Together we can make sure that the furniture we buy comes from a place that pays its drivers fairly.
That’s what 38 Degrees is all about. Alone we might not be able to convince Ikea to start paying fair wages. But when we come together as millions of people, our voices will be loud enough to make Ikea take notice and could make sure drivers aren’t sleeping in their lorries for much longer.
Ikea cares about what its customers think. Thousands of messages from us publicly calling on them to pay their drivers fairly won’t pass Ikea’s bosses by. If each of us took 30 seconds now to tell Ikea that we want this fixed, it could be enough to push them into action.
Will you tell Ikea you expect them to pay fair wages now? Leave a comment here.