Mar 29th, 2017
Article 50
By Rachel Whalley
It’s happening. Theresa May is triggering Article 50 today. That means Brexit is starting. However you feel about it, one thing is certain: fifty years from now, school children will reading about these events in the history books.
What happens next will shape our country for generations to come. But politicians are still not listening to ordinary people when they discuss how Brexit should work – they want us to hold our tongues and leave it to them. But we’re not going to leave them to it – we’re going to stick our oars right in.
And to get the kind of Brexit we want and deserve, we’re going to need *a lot* of oars. We’ll need each and every 38 Degrees member to do their bit. There’s just so much at stake, so many opportunities and so many risks if we get things wrong – everything from our future immigration system to protections for the British countryside, from our rights at work to democracy itself.
Please will you consider chipping in every week for the next 12 months so we can scale up our people-powered plan for Brexit? We’ll contact you this time next year to remind you, so you can cancel if you’d like. Donating takes just three minutes:
This is a truly defining moment for our country. Nigel Farage knows it. The tabloids know it. And Theresa May knows it too. That’s why they’re all working night and day to push their Brexit agendas. They’d much rather people like you and me kept quiet.
But this is not a time to sit back and see what happens. If you donate today, here’s how we can work together to make sure our voices are heard throughout Brexit negotiations:
- We can train and organise thousands more 38 Degrees members to meet their MPs and take our crowdsourced plan for Brexit straight into the heart of government
- We can hire a crack team of analysts and investigators to run through the government’s plans for Brexit with a fine-tooth comb – and expose any holes in the plans
- We can scale up the 38 Degrees staff team dedicated to Brexit, to make sure our people-powered plan is all over the media, in parliament and everywhere Theresa May turns
Thousands of us are already chipping in £2 a week so we can put our people-powered Brexit plan into action. But we need at least 4,000 more regular donors to stand any chance of having our voices heard in Brexit negotiations. Will you do your bit and chip in every week?
For any single one of us, acting alone, Brexit negotiations would feel too big to take on. But that’s the magic of 38 Degrees. There are many thousands of people reading this email today. When we take action together, we’re more than a match for any politician.
Just look what we did when we were faced with TTIP, the biggest corporate takeover attempt in our lifetime. Thousands upon thousands of us joined together and we brought that dangerous deal to its knees. We need to harness that same energy and passion now to get the Brexit deal we need and deserve. Will you do your bit and chip in a few pounds a week today?