Apr 28th, 2017
Take part in the 38 Degrees General Election survey
By James Austin
So far 210,000 people have taken the survey to decide what 38 Degrees should do in the general election. Below are three clear contenders for how thousands of people can make their mark together. But nothing’s been decided yet. Please take the survey to share your thoughts on the plan.
Get more people to vote in the general election
Everyone knows someone who isn’t registered to vote, or a neighbour who’ll find it difficult to get to a polling station. 38 Degrees can change that. Together, thousands of people can share info on social media, knock on doors in their area and offer lifts to polling stations. Democracy works better when more people get involved.
Drown out the toxic messages of UKIP
38 Degrees brings together people who vote for lots of different political parties. In the past, that’s included some UKIP voters who want to leave the EU. But now UKIP have got their original aim of Brexit – so their leaders have chosen a new headline message. UKIP’s new priority is racism, hatred and hardline attacks on muslims. If their new strategy works, there’s a risk other politicians could copy them.
This isn’t about trying to block Brexit. Instead, it’s taking a stand against UKIP’s toxic, hateful 2017 election message. 38 Degrees can focus on specific areas where UKIP are hoping to build their influence, and drown them out.
Build relationships with new MPs
Whatever the election result, one thing’s certain: some people will have a new MP on 9th June – and first impressions count. 38 Degrees members can arm every candidate with information about the issues people care about, and hold meetings to talk to them about Brexit and the NHS. It’d make sure, whatever the result, that 38 Degrees members can push a people-powered agenda on Brexit after the election.
You might love one of the ideas and while others might not be your cup of tea. And that’s totally fine. There’s room for everyone to have a different opinions and get involved during this election, because 38 Degrees belongs to everyone who takes part.
Nothing is set in stone, so please take the survey to give your feedback