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Jul 19th, 2017

Have a Field Day

By James Austin

Sometimes if you want to save something you’ve got to celebrate it – and that is exactly what 38 Degrees members did on July 8th, as they took part in Have a Field Day. From Anglesey to Southampton, and over 80 parks in between, 38 Degrees members brought their neighbourhoods together to enjoy our local parks.

Working in partnership with Fields in Trust, 38 Degrees members organised ‘bring your own’ picnics which both celebrated our parks and showed politicians that our green spaces are valued by everyone.

Public parks are important. They help us relax and are spaces to play and exercise as well as giving wildlife in cities and the countryside a vital habitat. But they’re at risk. Squeezed council budgets, means spending on parks has been slashed. Many councils are selling parks to raise some much needed cash, while others are falling into disrepair.

But, with the help of 1000’s of people coming together we created a national moment that proved parks are something we treasure.

Over 50,000 people signed the petition demanding that local parks be protected. The ask was simple, please protect our local parks for future generations. Hosts of the picnics were able to send a strong message to local politicians, handing in the petition to councillors and MPs that attended.

If you love your park, but were unable to attend Have a Field Day, why not share a photo of yourself enjoying your local park on Twitter or Facebook. Use #LoveYourLocalPark and be part of a community celebrating our parks 365 days a year.


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