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Sep 29th, 2017

CEP Report

By Becca McCarthy

Exposed: a 38 Degrees investigation into planned secret NHS cuts has made headlines. It reveals that funding for cancer tests and children’s care will be cut in South Gloucestershire. And other areas in England are being forced to make similar decisions too. You can read about it here.

It’s all part of the ‘Capped Expenditure Process’ (CEP) – a scheme that is forcing NHS bosses in around 13 areas of England to make savings of £250 million, on top of other cuts. There is a good summary you can read here.

The process has been very secretive, with little information being revealed about what these cuts could mean for patients. It has left lots of questions up in the air; the government won’t reveal exactly which areas of the country will face cuts, and many of the local plans that show what services will be cut haven’t been released.

Research that has been carried out by the 38 Degrees office team shows that cuts to South Gloucestershire and other areas don’t look good. Freedom of Information requests were sent to NHS bosses across England, but very few returned any information. You can read more here.

You can read the full report on which areas are affected, and what cuts have been put on the table here.

249,000 38 Degrees members are calling on Jeremy Hunt to reveal all the plans, so together we can stop the worst of them. If you haven’t signed the petition already, you can add your name here.


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