Oct 5th, 2017
Energy Price Cap: We won!
By Becca McCarthy
We’ve done it! Prime Minister Theresa May just announced she’s capping energy bills and cracking down on big energy companies – and 38 Degrees members like you played a huge part in making that happen.
For too long, big companies like British Gas have taken advantage of us with rip-off bills. No one was stepping in to stop them – so as 38 Degrees members, we did. Together, we demanded Theresa May stick to her election promise to stop the big energy companies ripping us off.
Here’s how we did it:
- When we heard that Theresa May was ditching her election promise to cap energy bills, 174,000 of us sprung into action and signed a petition.
- We worked with an influential Conservative MP, John Penrose, who was also campaigning for a crackdown on sky-high energy bills. He used our huge petition as proof to convince other MPs that this was important. (When he found out we won the campaign, John Penrose MP said: “38 Degrees has been instrumental in bringing this about and their petition asking the PM to bring in an energy cap was signed by over 120,000 people”)
- Hundreds of us chipped in fivers and tenners to fund the campaign – because every single 38 Degrees campaign is crowd-funded. That’s what keeps us fiercely independent and able to hold anyone and everyone to account.
- Last Friday, 17,000 of us emailed our MPs asking them to sign an open letter to Theresa May. The same day, six MPs added their names. In total, nearly 200 MPs signed the open letter, putting huge pressure on Theresa May to honour her election promise.
Winning this campaign proves that when we work together, we can influence big decisions right at the top of government.
Please will you chip in a few pounds a month to help 38 Degrees run more campaigns like this? Every extra pound we have to spend means we can run more ambitious campaigns, like the one we’ve just won today. It only takes two minutes to set up your donation:
Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the things that keep 38 Degrees going. They’re not easy to fundraise for, but without them, 38 Degrees wouldn’t exist:
- Rent for the 38 Degrees office(s): There are now two offices to make sure 38 Degrees can win campaigns up and down the country, from Aberdeen to St Ives. An office in London, and a small office in Edinburgh.
- The 38 Degrees website: it might look simple, but behind the scenes of the 38 Degrees website are the best internet campaigning tools in the world. And when we can’t find a piece of kit that lets members campaign in the most efficient way – we build new ones. (We also share anything we build with other organisations doing people-powered campaigning).
- Salaries for 38 Degrees staff: The dedicated campaigners who spring into action to run lots of big 38 Degrees campaigns are paid! Even 38 Degrees interns are paid a full living wage. They say you have to be the change you want to see in the world, so everyone is paid a proper wage.