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Oct 16th, 2017

Emergency Service Workers: Email your MP

By Becca McCarthy

Punched, kicked, bitten and spat on as a police officer. Locked in an ambulance while someone punches the windows and screams abuse at you, as a paramedic. These are just a few of the stories 38 Degrees members shared about attacks they’ve experienced working in our emergency services.

With these attacks on the rise, our police, paramedics, nurses and firefighters fear being assaulted just for doing their job. Now we have a chance to help protect them. On Friday, MPs will vote on a new law to finally crack down on these attacks.

That’s where you come in. If the new law is going to pass, we need at least 100 MPs to turn up and vote for it.

Will you send your MP an email right now asking them to vote to protect emergency service workers on Friday?


Together, we’re already having an impact. After 100,000 38 Degrees members signed a huge petition supporting emergency workers in the face of these attacks, the government have said they’ll support the idea of a new law, in principle. But we still need MPs to vote for it. If not enough of them turn up, it won’t pass. Emails from thousands of us could make the difference.

Police and NHS staff face an average of 275 assaults a day – a shocking 100,000 attacks a year. They need our help now – emailing your MP could help push us past the finish line and send a clear message to the government to act immediately.

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