Oct 19th, 2017
We saved Corby urgent care centre
By Robin Priestley
Thanks to thousands of 38 Degrees members, the doors of the Corby NHS urgent care centre are open today. Instead of travelling miles to the nearest A&E, patients are getting the care they need locally. And it’s all thanks to people power.
When 38 Degrees member Lyn heard that hospital bosses wanted to close the centre at the beginning of October, just a few weeks ago, she set up a 38 Degrees petition to save it. Nearly 3,000 people joined her campaign and the pressure worked! A new deal has been signed and the centre has been saved for now, but there’s still work to do to protect it in the long term.
While it’s good news for Corby today, underfunding is putting local NHS services at risk all over the country. For every walk in centre, maternity ward and A&E that is at risk of closure, there is someone just like Lyn out there ready to leap into action to keep these vital services open.
Imagine if we could give everyone out there who’s worried about NHS cuts what they need to make waves with a local campaign. From leaflets and banners, to advice on getting in the news, together we could make sure campaigns up and down the country have the best chance at saving local services.
Can you chip in a few pounds to help fight local NHS funding cuts? Together we can fund a massive people-powered movement to protect the services we rely on
From Newcastle to Newquay, we could provide people with everything they need to run campaigns and make sure the doors stay open to local NHS services. Here’s what a fighting fund could pay for:
- Leaflets, stickers and banners to get the word out.
- Dedicated 38 Degrees staff to support local campaigners.
- Adverts in the local papers that politicians read every day.
We know we can do it. Lyn in Corby is not the first 38 Degrees member to have saved their local NHS services. In June, Andy saved his local A&E in Essex from being downgraded after setting up a 21,000 strong petition. We all want to help the Andy’s and Lyn’s across the country protect their local NHS services, but to do this we’ll need to raise money right now.
With winter approaching and a new round of NHS cuts on the way, a people powered campaign to protect services is needed now more than ever.
Can you chip into the fighting fund, so together we can stop NHS cuts from Newcastle to Newquay?