Nov 13th, 2017
NHS Report: Update
By Becca McCarthy
We’re so close. The damning report about the state of the NHS is nearly finished. Right now expert researchers are dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. It paints a stark picture that proves our NHS needs more money, fast.
It makes a shocking read. So now we need to make sure the report is plastered everywhere our MPs look: on social media, newspapers, and on their desks in Westminster.
If enough of us chip in right now, we can make this report unmissable. It could convince our MPs to pressure Chancellor Philip Hammond to give our NHS more money in the Autumn Budget. [1]
Will you chip in to make sure the damning NHS report is splashed everywhere? The budget will be announced next week, so there isn’t long.
Here are some of the things we could do to make sure MPs are hearing about the report into the state of the NHS everywhere they turn:
– Hire video producers to make hard-hitting videos about the stark reality facing frontline NHS services
– Pay for thousands of adverts all over the internet, so every time politicians check their Facebook or Twitter, they see our hard-hitting report
– Print hundreds of copies of the report and get them delivered to every MPs’ pigeonhole in Parliament.
Looked at on their own, these cuts to frontline services might be easy for politicians to brush off. But this report, funded by thousands of 38 Degrees members, lifts the lid on the crisis facing the NHS across the country. With all the evidence right there in one place, it’s impossible to ignore. The next step is to make sure every MP sees it.
[1] Sky News: Chancellor Philip Hammond reveals date of first autumn Budget:
Right now, Philip Hammond’s facing some hard decisions about how to allocate government money for the next year:
BBC: Budget: Hammond faces spending dilemma, says IFS: