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Nov 20th, 2017

Pay Cap: Budget Tomorrow

By Becca McCarthy

Low wages are pushing our nurses, firefighters and police to the brink. Their wages haven’t kept up with the price of rent and food costs have crept up, and they’re struggling to get by. [1] But we have 24 hours to get them a pay rise. [2]

There are rumours that the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, could find the cash to give our public sector workers a pay rise when he announces his budget on Wednesday. [3] He’ll be making his final decision right now.

Over 230,000 people have already signed the petition calling on Philip Hammond to lift the pay cap. [4] But you haven’t signed yet. Will you join them? Public pressure has already pushed Philip Hammond to think about lifting the cap. Now, your signature could make sure our public sector workers get the pay rise they deserve.



[1] The Independent: Public sector pay cap: NHS staff real income cut by almost £2,000 over seven years of wage squeeze:
Daily Mirror: Public sector workers unite in open letter to Chancellor Philip Hammond pleading for end to misery of pay cap:
[2] Philip Hammond has already made moves to give our hard-working nurses, paramedics and firefighters a pay rise. He’s given the people in charge of their pay permission to give public sector workers more. But unless he also stumps up the cash to actually pay them, it’ll mean our public services have to make cuts elsewhere to fund any pay rises.
BBC: Public sector pay cap to be lifted:
The Mirror: Public sector pay cap explained: What pay rises Tories could offer nurses and teachers – and how it’ll affect you:
[3] Sun: Nurses ‘will get a pay hike at last’ as Chancellor prepares to boost NHS funding in the Budget:
[4] 38 Degrees: Scrap the public sector pay cap:

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