Jan 9th, 2018
Introduce a tax on throwaway plastic
By Zoë Durnford
Influential MPs are calling for a 25p charge on throwaway plastic coffee cups. [1] It could seriously tackle plastic pollution and help save the environment. It would drastically reduce the half a million coffee cups that are thrown away each day. [2] There’s just one ‘but’…
Environment Minister Michael Gove is weighing up whether to introduce this plastic tax – but the deal is not yet sealed. [3] Big business lobbyists are kicking up a fuss saying that plastic pollution isn’t a problem. [4] They’ll probably be working behind the scenes to stop this scheme.
If thousands of us sign the petition telling Michael Gove to introduce a throwaway plastic tax, we could drown the lobbyists out, and save our environment.
It’s going to take all of us. So, will you sign the petition to stop plastic pollution now?
This petition was started on the 38 Degrees website by City to Sea, an expert organisation that tackles plastic pollution. [5] Last year they launched a campaign to get shops to switch from plastic to paper cotton buds. 150,000 of us got involved – and we won. [6]
Small changes make a big difference when it comes to plastic pollution. Since the 5p charge was introduced, use of throwaway plastic bags has plummeted. [7] Lots of us don’t think twice about taking a reusable bag for our weekly shop now. It goes to show what a difference a small step can make to fixing a huge problem.
If we can convince Michael Gove to tax throwaway plastics, we could stop plastics ending up in our oceans and landfills.
Will you sign the petition to introduce a charge on throw away plastics? The more of us who sign, the louder our voices will be:
[1] Disposable cups are made from cardboard with a tightly bonded polyethylene [plastic] liner, which is difficult to remove, and means they are not accepted by paper mills.
The Guardian: MPs call for 25p charge on takeaway coffee cups ahead of possible ban:
[2] BBC: ‘Latte levy’ of 25p urged by MPs in bid to cut cup waste:
[3] The Independent: Budget 2017: Philip Hammond reveals plans for a plastic tax and announces clean air measures:
[4] The Daily Mail: Plastic DIDN’T kill Blue Planet whale (…says the plastics industry):
The Independent: Government cut recycling targets after lobbying from plastics industry:
[5] City to Sea:
[6] 38 Degrees petition: Switch to paper cotton buds:
38 Degrees blog: Cotton bud success!:
[7] The Guardian: England’s plastic bag usage drops 85% since 5p charge introduced: