Feb 9th, 2018
Gender-based violence
By Becca McCarthy
This blog could be upsetting to read
This should never have happened. In 2016, student Emily Drouet took her own life. We’ll never fully know why, but we do know that her tragic decision followed a campaign of mental and physical abuse by her boyfriend. [1]
One in three women experience domestic violence at some point in their lives. [2] It affects us all, directly or indirectly.
Emily’s story is a tragedy, because it was preventable. If university staff and students had known the warning signs to watch out for and how to help her, through better training, she could still be alive.
And now Emily’s mum, Fiona, is working tirelessly to make sure students get the support they need when they are in crisis. She’s started a petition asking the government to prioritise funds for these vital lifelines, for students affected by gender-based violence and the petition is being handed in next week ahead of the budget. [3]
Please can you sign the petition to get the Scottish government to prioritise funding in this month’s budget, so a tragedy like Emily’s doesn’t ever happen again?
Emily and her boyfriend were both studying at Aberdeen University. Her abuser terrorised her from their halls of residence. She took her life, minutes after he’d entered her room unannounced. We’ll never know exactly what lead Emily to take her life, but we do know that she didn’t get the support and help she needed.
Emily’s mum has bravely used the horrible tragedy that has happened to her daughter, to make sure other young adults get better support. She’s teamed up with the NUS to run a campaign, which has already been backed by some of Scotland’s biggest universities. [4]
Everyone knows someone who will go off to university and everyone knows someone who’s been affected by domestic violence. Will you join her campaign- to fight for students’ rights to learn and live in safety? If thousands of us sign the petition they will have no option but to listen.
This could have been difficult to read. If you’re personally affected by these issues, or know someone that might be, the Samaritans are always here to help.
Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. Their national freephone number is 116 123, or you can email jo@samaritans.org.uk
[1] Daily Record: Teen driven to suicide by abusive boyfriend to become face of new campaign against domestic violence:
[2] Violence against women: Intimate partner and sexual violence against women:
[3] 38 Degrees: #emilytest: Support students affected by gender-based violence
[4] See note 2