Feb 16th, 2018
Reporting bulling app Sarahah to Google
By 38 Degrees team
Here’s everything you’ll need to fill in the form and submit your complaint to Google:
1. Report the Sarahah app for “hateful and abusive content”
2. Sarahah lets bullies send abusive messages anonymously. This breaks Google’s rules for app makers which state: “We don’t allow apps that contain or facilitate threats, harassment, or bullying.”
3. Even if the harassment or bulling is coming from people using the app, Google says that apps “that lack sufficient safeguards against threats, harassment, or bullying, particularly toward minors” are breaking their rules.
4. You’ll need to provide the link to the app in Google Play, so here it is:
5. As well as including the information above, don’t forget to explain in your own words why this issue matters to you and why you think Sarahah should be removed from Google’s app store. Just remember to be polite!
Once you’ve reported the app you’ll get an automated email from Goolge asking for more information about the app. You’ll have provided all the information they request as it’s included above – so don’t worry. But if you have time message them back simply repeat the policy above and provide the link to the app store again.
You can see Google’s policy on bullying and harassment here: