Mar 10th, 2018
Seeds for Bees!
By Becca McCarthy
Britain’s bees need our help. The wild meadows and flowers bees feed on are disappearing fast, and that means our buzzy friends could be in for a very tough spring. [1] Over the last few decades the UK has lost 97% of its wildflower meadows, making food scarce for our bees. [2]
That’s where we come in. If thousands of us come together in the next three weeks to plant bee-friendly flower seeds, we can make sure there’s enough food for bees to survive and thrive this summer. Whether it’s a plant pot on a windowsill or a garden in the countryside, we can all sow seeds to give our bees a helping hand.
Bees pollinate three-quarters of the world’s crops – apples, strawberries, onions, carrots, and many, many more. We wouldn’t last long without them. But if we want them to keep growing food for us, we need to do our part to grow food for them.
This isn’t the first time 38 Degrees members have come together to plant flowers for bees – last spring, more than 50,000 of us took part. [4] This year we want to do even better, and make sure more of us than ever are planting seeds to help out the bees.
[1] Huffington Post: Recolouring The Countryside – Why We Need To Put Meadows Back On The Map:
[2] See note 1.
[3] The Mirror: The humble bee supports a BILLION jobs and three-quarters of the world’s crops need them:
[4] 38 Degrees: Bees seeds are starting to sprout: