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Mar 29th, 2018

NHS Open Letter

By Becca McCarthy

It’s all over the news. Almost 100 MPs have signed an open letter to Theresa May to demand political parties to work together to solve the NHS crisis. [1] It’d mean the NHS couldn’t be used to score political points. There could be grown up, long term solutions to save our health service.

The open letter has landed on Theresa May’s desk. [2] But if we’re going to convince her to take it seriously, we need to prove voters like you and me are backing the demands. Imagine if 100,000 of us add our voices too? MPs and the public speaking out together could convince Theresa May to listen.

Will you add your name to the open letter to demand political parties work together to save our NHS? It’ll be delivered as soon as it reaches 100,000 signatures.


The MPs are asking Theresa May to set up a ‘cross-party commission’. [3] It would mean MPs from all parties working together to find solutions for the biggest problems facing our NHS, from how to make sure it has enough money to making the social care system fairer. If the government is backing it, it would mean any recommendations from the cross-party commission are much more likely to be successful.

If we’re going to convince Theresa May to listen to MPs demands for a NHS cross-party group, we need to prove to her that the public want it too.


[1] Almost 100 MPs have called on Theresa May to establish a cross-party commission to address the crisis in the NHS and in social care. You can read more about the cross-party commission here:
The Independent: Theresa May faces calls from 100 MPs to break ‘political deadlock’ over NHS and care:
Sarah Wollaston MP twitter:
[2] The Telegraph: Theresa May faces calls for tax to fund NHS:
[3] A parliamentary commission would involve a cross-party group of MPs and peers looking at the issues facing the health and social care system. A similar commission was established in 2013 to recommend reform the banks. You can read more here:
iNews: MPs call for cross-party commission to solve NHS crisis:https://inews.co.uk/news/health/mps-letter-theresa-may-nhs-crisis/

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