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Apr 6th, 2018

NHS Fundraiser

By Becca McCarthy

Right now, Theresa May is looking at ways to give the NHS the money it desperately needs. [1] It could mean we all pay a little bit more in taxes to protect our health service. [2]

But wealthy lobby groups, some powerful newspapers and high-profile politicians don’t want this to happen. [3] They’ll be pushing Theresa May hard to make a plan that serves their own interests, rather than people like you and me who rely on our NHS.

Drowning these powerful groups out could be make or break for our NHS. The reality is they have deep pockets and friends in high places. If we’re going to have any chance of getting the NHS the money it needs, we need to run our most ambitious campaign to date. And that will take time – and money. £50,000 to be exact.

For one of us alone, this would be impossible. But there are millions of us getting this email today. Will you be one of the first to chip in and help launch the biggest campaign yet to protect our NHS?


If enough of us chip in, here’s just a glimpse of what we could do together to drown out these powerful groups:

  • Commission experts to turn these ideas into watertight policies that we can push under politicians’ noses every chance we get.
  • Host huge public meetings with top politicians to present our people-powered policies.
  • Meet face-to-face with MPs up and down the country, to convince them to back our plan.
  • Pay for opinion polling to show the public support our plans – and get it splashed all over the newspapers so Theresa May notices.
  • Build state-of-the-art tech to collect the views of people like you and me who rely on the NHS. Together we can find out what ordinary people think, not wealthy lobby groups.

Our NHS is on the edge. A&E waiting times are getting longer. Operations are being cancelled. Staff are stretched to breaking point. [4] All because it doesn’t have the money it needs.

If Theresa May comes up with a bold long-term plan to properly fund our NHS, it could be a defining moment. If those of us who can afford to paid a little bit more in taxes, NHS staff could focus on looking after patients, rather than worrying about stretching budgets far enough. Patients could be seen quickly. Treatments wouldn’t be decided by how much they cost, but by whether we need them. [5]

But already wealthy lobby groups, powerful newspapers and high-profile politicians are trying to stop bold changes from going ahead. [6] We’ve got a fight on our hands to convince Theresa May to listen to us, the public, and not them.


[1] BBC: NHS: PM to look at ‘multi-year funding’ plan for health service:
[2] Sky News: Public backs special tax for NHS, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt says:
[3] Right now the influential lobby group TaxPayers Alliance are speaking out against a ring-fenced tax rise to fund the NHS:
BBC News: How should we pay for the NHS?:
The Mirror: Will tax rise 1p for the NHS?:
The Telegraph: An NHS tax would make the public question whether the health service is really worth what we pay for it:
[4] The Guardian: NHS hospitals in England record worst ever A&E performance:
The Independent: NHS winter crisis: Theresa May apologises to patients for thousands of cancelled operations:
Sunday Express: NHS crisis exposed: Nearly a third of staff have witnessed potentially harmful errors:
[4] The Guardian: A&E doctor sorry for ‘third world conditions’ as NHS winter crisis bites:
[5] Daily Mail: Patients may no longer be able to get painkillers, cough mixture and eye drops on the NHS as bosses call to axe ‘wasteful’ prescriptions to save money:
The Guardian: GPs offered cash to refer fewer people to hospital:
[6] See note [3]

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