May 3rd, 2018
Our biggest ever NHS funding campaign – the results
By 38 Degrees team
Right now, Theresa May is looking at ways to fund our NHS properly. She could come up with a solution that gives our NHS the money it desperately needs. Or she could announce a plan that doesn’t come close to solving the crisis.
Rumours are swirling that a tax rise is one of the options Theresa May is considering, including adding 1p to National Insurance. So more than 110,000 of us took part in the survey to decide whether we should campaign for a tax rise to properly fund the NHS, and show the government that the public – that’s us! – supports bold action to fund our NHS.
You can read the results below. Here’s the question:
Should 38 Degrees campaign on the issue of a tax rise to fund the NHS?
- 81% (90,421) said ‘Yes’ to running a campaign for a tax rise to fund the NHS
- 19% (21,217) said ‘No’ to running a campaign for a tax rise to fund the NHS
As 38 Degrees-ers, we come together to make decisions, because when more of us have our say, we’re stronger. And we’re a broad church – we don’t all agree about everything. But 81% of us said we want to run a campaign for a tax rise to pay for our NHS, so now we need to come up with the best ideas of how a fair, affordable tax rise could work.
We’ve come up with five simple ways to do this. Once we’ve all voted, we can hire expert economists to work out how fair and affordable the polices really are. Have your say on which tax rise ideas are your favourites now. You don’t have to be an expert, and it only takes a couple of minutes: