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Jun 1st, 2018

Email walkers

By 38 Degrees team

The bosses at Walkers crisps are trying to ignore you. Over 230,000 of us are calling on Walkers to make their crisp packets plastic-free but so far the company have stayed silent. [1]

We can’t afford to wait. Thousands of Walkers crisps are sold every day – and the plastic pollution is piling up. [2] Together it’s time to turn up the pressure. If each of us emailed Walkers, we could flood their inboxes with thousands of messages calling for plastic free packaging. It wouldn’t take long for the bosses to pay attention and know they need to clean up their act fast to keep their customers.

Will you email Walkers Crisps telling them to ditch plastic packaging? There’s a template email you can use, and it’ll only take a minute:



Walkers Crisps haven’t yet responded to the hundreds of thousands of us who signed the petition, but their website pledges to go plastic free by 2025. It’s simply not good enough. Plastic doesn’t rot – that means 6 billion more crisp packets heading for our landfills and oceans every year that passes. [3] Walkers sells the majority of the crisps we eat – the sooner they switch, the better it is for our wildlife and environment.

38 Degrees members have rallied to beat big businesses on plastic before – and won. After hundreds of thousands of us signed the petition and thousands more emailed, tweeted and posted on facebook, PG Tips pledged to remove plastic from their tea bags by the end of this year! [4] Together we can make sure Walkers takes plastic pollution seriously and promises to act quickly.

[1] 38 Degrees: Make crisp packets recyclable:
[2 ] The Guardian: Crisps: a very British habit:
BBC: Petition calls for Walkers to change plastic crisp packets:
[3] See note 2
[4] 38 Degrees: PG Tips – we won:

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