Jun 1st, 2018
Rothbury Hospital
By Becca McCarthy
Imagine having to do a 60-mile round-trip to see an ill relative in hospital. That’s what people near Rothbury face after a ward at their local hospital shut. [1]
Together, 3,500 members of 38 Degrees have signed a petition to keep the ward open. [2] And we’re close to winning. Now the health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has decided a panel of healthcare experts should review the closure plans. [3]
That’s where we come in. If thousands of local people send an open letter asking those experts to demand a full review, it’ll have a huge effect on them. They’re not used to public pressure from thousands of people. It could be enough to get the closure plans reconsidered. [4] It would be a huge step towards keeping the beds at Rothbury Community Hospital open.
Please will you add your name to help make sure Rothbury Community Hospital gets its in-patient ward back?
Health bosses approved the suspension of the beds in 2016 – so locals have struggled without them for over 18 months. Having to travel miles and miles to visit sick loved ones has been called “unfair and unjust” by patients and their families. [5]
But our pressure is already working. Thousands of 38 Degrees-ers have signed the petition to help save the ward and hundreds of us emailed Jeremy Hunt asking him to send it for review – and he did. We’ve got just one more hurdle to clear.
38 Degrees members have a great history when it comes to saving local NHS services. Just a couple of weeks ago, North Tees Hospital A&E department was saved from closure after people power made bosses rethink their plans. [6] We have done so much on this campaign already. There’s no reason why we can’t win again!
[1] BBC: Rothbury hospital to lose in-patient ward:
[2] 38 Degrees: Save Rothbury Hospital from Closure:
[3] Chronicle Live: Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to seek advice over controversial closure of Rothbury Hospital ward:
BBC: Rothbury Community Hospital bed closure plan referred to panel
[4] Northumberland Gazette: Community hospitals are a vital part of NHS – says PM:
[5] See note 1
[6] 38 Degrees: Keep the A&E department at North Tees Hospital open: