Jul 13th, 2018
What 38 Degrees members are taking action on this week:
By Megan Bentall
It’s been a busy week for hundreds of thousands of 38 Degrees members across the country. Here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been working on this week.
Welcome Matt Hancock, new Minister for our NHS :
Earlier this week the government was left in chaos when important members of Theresa May’s inner circle resigned. Key job roles were swapped – and Matt Hancock MP is now the new minister in charge of our NHS.
This is Matt Hancock’s first week in the job, he’ll be meeting his staff and starting to plan what he does next. If we send him a welcome letter, we could deliver the message loud and clear: the public is watching and we expect him to give our NHS the funding it needs. Click here to join over 50,000 38 Degrees members in welcoming him to the role
Proper scrutiny on trade deals:
Whether it’s making sure food standards are high, animal welfare is protected, or stopping US drug companies forcing the NHS to pay more for life-saving drugs, 38 Degrees-ers are fighting hard to make sure the public has a say on future trade deals after Brexit.
Next week MPs will be voting on the Trade Bill – and deciding how much of a say we all have on future deals. Already a huge half a million of us have signed the petition telling trade minister Liam Fox to make sure trade deals aren’t negotiated in secret behind closed doors. Click here to join them before next week’s vote.
What next for Brexit?:
Brexit is everywhere – it’s all over the news, and every MP is talking about it. And so are 130,000 38 Degrees-ers. Together we’re making a plan by choosing which campaigns we should run to make sure that Brexit works for all of us. It’s about the future of our country – and it’s too important for politicians to decide alone.
If you haven’t had your say, there’s still time. {{first_name}}, will you join 130,000 others and take the survey on the future of Brexit? Click here to get started.
Fracking companies vs democracy:
The government’s trying to give toxic energy companies a free pass to frack by getting rid of planning permission. It could make it as easy for fracking companies to drill as putting up a garden shed. They would be able to risk our landscape, water and could even cause earthquakes without local authorities having the power stop them.
Right now, the government’s testing the waters. They’ll want to get these plans through as quietly as possible, not deal with a huge public backlash. If we build a huge petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures, we can show the government this is a battle they won’t be able to win. Make sure our landscape and democracy is protected for years to come by signing the petition today.