Jul 20th, 2018
Don’t deport Javad
By Becca McCarthy
Javad came to the UK in 2007 after losing both his parents in an earthquake. He has mental health issues, poor memory and is on the Autistic Spectrum. [4] He struggles to understand what is going on around him and has nobody to support him back in Iran. But British woman Terry has opened her heart and home to Javad when he had nothing – now he could lose it all.
We know that together our pressure can make a difference in cases like Javad’s. When the Home Office wanted to deport Wadih Chourey, a man with Down’s syndrome who had fled persecution in Lebanon, a huge outcry from 80,000 38 Degrees members forced them to change their mind. [5] Wadih was allowed to stay, now we can do the same for Javad.
Javad is a vulnerable young man at risk of being deported. [1] Orphaned and autistic, he’s found a loving home in the UK with British couple Terry and Stuart. But now the Home Office want to deport him to Iran – a country he can’t even remember. [2]
This Monday, Javad will be going to court to be make his case in front of a Judge. [3] It could be his last chance to change the Home Office decision. A huge wave of public support would prove that we want Javad to stay in a country where he is loved, where he has a home.
Will you join over 30,000 members of 38 Degrees and stand with Javad as he walks into court in just a few days? It only take 30 seconds to sign the petition:
Javad came to the UK in 2007 after losing both his parents in an earthquake. He has mental health issues, poor memory and is on the Autistic Spectrum. [4] He struggles to understand what is going on around him and has nobody to support him back in Iran. But British woman Terry has opened her heart and home to Javad when he had nothing – now he could lose it all.
We know that together our pressure can make a difference in cases like Javad’s. When the Home Office wanted to deport Wadih Chourey, a man with Down’s syndrome who had fled persecution in Lebanon, a huge outcry from 80,000 38 Degrees members forced them to change their mind. [5] Wadih was allowed to stay, now we can do the same for Javad.
[1] Hastings Observer: Young Iranian fighting deportation is diagnosed with autism:
[2] Hastings Observer: Hastings family’s bid to save vulnerable Iranian man from deportation:
Hastings Online Times: Request for help for Javad:
Hastings Online Times: Save Javad from deportation:
[3] Hastings Online Times: Javad update: your support needed:
[4] See note [2]
[5] 38 Degrees: Do not deport Wadih Chourey back to Lebanon: