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Aug 23rd, 2018

I’m sorry

By 38 Degrees team

I want to apologise about a problem that has affected emails sent by constituents to their MPs via the 38 Degrees website. Unfortunately some of the emails that were sent by 38 Degrees-ers didn’t arrive in the inbox of their MPs. I’m incredibly sorry and embarrassed that this has happened.

This issue has affected a number of MPs from every political party. I’ve contacted 38 Degrees members and MPs who have been affected by this problem, to explain what’s happened and to apologise.

Our initial investigation suggests this might have arisen as an unintended consequence of an update installed by Parliament’s IT service.  We’re working with Parliament’s IT service to get a fuller picture of the issue.

I want to stress though that we take full responsibility for ensuring that emails sent via the 38 Degrees website are delivered to MPs, and in no way blame Parliament’s IT service. I recognise that we didn’t discover this issue as quickly as we should have done. This has meant that more constituents were affected than if we’d spotted it immediately.

38 Degrees wants to make it easier for voters to participate in democracy, including by contacting their MP, so it’s really important to me that this doesn’t happen again. We have made changes to the technology used by our website, to ensure that all emails are delivered, and also to ensure that we become aware much more quickly if any problems with emails being delivered arise in the future.

I’m really sorry if you have been affected by this issue. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at emailtheteam@38degrees.org.uk


David Babbs

Executive Director


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