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Sep 17th, 2018

Royal Liverpool Hospital

By Becca McCarthy

A hospital in Liverpool still stands half-finished and unused since construction company Carillion went bust in January. [1] It means thousands of people are not getting the NHS service they deserve. [2]

Just last month the government announced they would find the money to complete a hospital in Birmingham that was also left unfinished after Carillion’s collapse. [3] So a group of 38 Degrees-ers from Liverpool are calling for the government to step in and fund the completion of the new Liverpool hospital too. [4]

It’s been hitting headlines but what’s missing is the public’s voice. People sending a clear message: this isn’t right. That’s where we come in. If thousands of people from across the UK tell the government they need to step in and find a solution, it could be enough to make them act.

Will you sign the petition and ask the government to fund the completion of the Royal Liverpool Hospital? It takes just 30 seconds:


Politicians in Liverpool are already speaking out and asking the government to step in. [5] But even though the government said they were fully committed to completing the hospital in July, they’ve taken no steps to sort the situation out. [6] So now we need national support, which means people across the country stepping up and calling on the government to act.

38 Degrees members have a great track record when it comes to changing the face of their local NHS services. Last year Andy saved his local A&E department in Essex after thousands of people got behind him in his fight. [7] And just a few months ago 38 Degrees member Tony saved North Tees A&E from closing its doors. [8] When we come together, we’re powerful.


[1] BBC: Carillion collapse delays new £335m Liverpool hospital:
[2] Liverpool Echo: This heartbreaking account of a family member’s death shows why Liverpool NEEDS its new hospital now:
[3] Birmingham Live: At last! Building work on Midland Metropolitan Hospital can begin again:
Liverpool Echo: Fury as Government hands £300m to stalled Midlands hospital but leaves Royal empty handed:
[4] 38 Degrees: Fund the completion of the new Royal Liverpool Hospital:
[5] Liverpool Echo: Fury as Government hands £300m to stalled Midlands hospital but leaves Royal empty handed:
BBC: Liverpool Royal Hospital: MP calls for public ownership of stalled build:
[6] See note 5
[7] 38 Degrees: Victory: Broomfield’s A&E in Essex has been saved!:
[8] 38 Degrees: Keep the A&E department at North Tees Hospital open:

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