Jan 18th, 2019
Food bank labels
By Beth Jamal
Unable to afford the basics, thousands of families will be turning to food banks to feed hungry stomachs this Christmas. It’s heartbreaking that anyone has to rely on donations for their next meal – but this year it’s the reality for more families than ever before.
There’s a simple way to massively increase donations to food banks. A trial at Sainsburys found that adding eye-catching shelf labels on the items that food banks need the most can triple donations from shoppers. It’s been so successful Sainsbury’s are rolling it out across their stores.
John, a 38 Degrees member who volunteers in a food bank, thinks it’s a no-brainer for other big supermarkets to do the same, so he’s started a 38 Degrees petition. If hundreds of thousands of us add our names, bosses will see that their customers expect them to do their bit to help hungry families. The scheme could be running nationwide in weeks.
Will you sign John’s petition, calling on supermarkets to take a simple step to help stop families going hungry?
“Every day I’m at the food bank I meet families struggling to afford to put food on their table. Around Christmas time, it’s especially heartbreaking. With such a simple way to make sure food banks have enough donations to feed everyone who comes, it’s a no-brainer. Every supermarket should be following Sainsbury’s lead.” – John, petition starter, food bank volunteer and 38 Degrees member
Every family should have enough money coming in to cover basics like rent, bills and food. That’s why 38 Degrees members have come together again and again to campaign against government policies that leave people poorer and having to rely on food banks. From stopping cuts to tax credits, to making sure families on Universal Credit get a bit more cash coming in, together we’ve helped put more money in people’s pockets.
Food banks shouldn’t have to exist in one of the richest countries in the world. But while they do, together we can make sure they have enough food to stop families going hungry.
Will you sign the petition? It only takes 30 seconds