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Jun 7th, 2019

Gwent Levels Victory

By 38 Degrees team

Great news! Plans to build a motorway that would have cut straight through a beautiful stretch of countryside – dubbed “Wales’ Amazon rainforest” – have been scrapped. [1] Welsh First Minister, Mark Drakesford, announced this week he was axing the plans, in part because of its impact on the environment. [2]

It comes after more than 21,000 people across Wales signed a petition started by Bleddyn, a 38 Degrees member from Cardiff and a group of local campaigners. [3] They believed a new motorway would destroy this wildlife haven and that more money should be spent on public transport instead.

It’s been a long journey, with campaigners and activists across the country pulling out all the stops ever since the plans were first announced. [4] And now the pressure we put on the Welsh government has paid off.

Thanks for everything you’ve done to make this possible!


[1] The Guardian:
[2] BBC News:
[3] 38 Degrees: Protect the Gwent Levels and stop the proposed M4 motorway:
[4] See Note 3

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