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Nov 14th, 2019

WeVote app

By 38 Degrees team

Right now millions of people won’t get their say in the most important election of our lifetime – because they’re not registered to vote. [1] It means millions of voices could go unheard at the ballot box this election.

The good news? We’ve got a plan to change this. Together, we can build a simple online tool to make sure as many of us as possible cast our vote on 12th December. The “WeVote” app will help nudge people to register to vote and share voting reminders with friends and family. So we all turn out on election day.

It’s an ambitious plan. The tool will cost £30,000 to make. And we’ve only got weeks until the registration deadline. [2] But there are millions of us up and down the country who want to make sure that everyone has their say on 12th December. If every single one of us reading this email chips in – we could raise the money today.

We have developers lined up ready to build the tool and launch it this weekend. Will you chip in so as many people as possible have their say on election day?



As 38 Degrees members we believe that politics works best when everyone – from every corner of the country – has their say. That means making sure as many of us as possible register, and turn up to vote.

Here are some things we could do with the “WeVote” tool:

  • Launch a massive voter registration drive by making it easy for people to register to vote.
  • Encourage more and more people to register for a postal vote – so that no one is put off from voting on election day due to bad weather or long queues!
  • Send automatic reminders leading up to election day – so no one forgets to turn up and use their vote on the day.
  • Make it fast and easy for all of us to share registration and voting reminders with friends, family and colleagues. So we can all amplify our power and encourage others to vote.



So, will you chip in what you can today so we can hit go on the plans to build our people-powered “WeVote” tool?



[1] Electoral Reform Society:
Chronicle Live:
[2] Evening Times:

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