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Dec 17th, 2019

38 Degrees seeks new Chair

By Anna Finnegan

38 Degrees is recruiting a new Chair of its Board.

Srabani Sen, the current Chair, will step down in early 2020 to focus on her own growing business.

Recruitment is underway to find a successor. More information is available from Inclusive Boards, who are running the recruitment process: https://inclusiveboards.co.uk/jobs/38-degrees-chair

The new Chair will find 38 Degrees at a pivotal moment in its journey. The organisation is about to embark on a new stage of development and growth with a new Chief Executive, new board members, and a hunger strong as ever to galvanise people from every corner of the UK into action to create a fairer society for everyone.

Srabani Sen said: “I feel enormously optimistic about the role 38 Degrees can play over the coming years in building a large, self-sustaining movement of British citizens, who hold a shared vision of a better society and believe in their collective capacity to make change happen. Being Chair of 38 Degrees has been a privilege, and has given me the opportunity to work with some exceptional people at a time when the organisation has been campaigning on issues with profound consequences for this country. I look forward to passing the baton to my successor in 2020.”

Treasurer Richard Lackmann said: “The Board would like to thank Srabani for her service to 38 Degrees. She has shown an exceptional commitment to the organisation – particularly over the past twelve months when she has spent significant time on board duties, sacrificing other personal and professional priorities, in a voluntary capacity. We are grateful for the leadership she has shown through some challenging times. We wish her the best of luck for the future.”

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