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Image shows a child standing at a window, which has a rainbow painted on it.

May 20th, 2020

Arise Sir Tom ?

By 38 Degrees team

Here’s some nice news: Captain Tom Moore is being given a knighthood for raising more than Ā£32m for NHS charities.

He raised that incredible sum by walking around his garden 100 times before his 100th birthday. He inspired people all across the country – including more than 257,000 of us who signed the 38 Degrees petition calling for him to get a knighthood. If you signed, then congratulations for doing your part in making sure that Captain Tom got the recognition he deserves.

This knighthood is a wonderful way to honour an exceptional individual.Ā  But we still need to make sure that NHS staff, care workers and everyone struggling during this crisis get the support they need. Up and down the country, hundreds of thousands of us have come together through 38 Degrees to push the government to do more for frontline workers and for people falling through the cracks.

But we need you. 38 Degrees only exists because people just like you chip in to help fund our work. So, if you can, will you chip in to make sure we can keep campaigning on the issues that matter to all of us at this crucial time? You can make a secure donation here.

Thank you for everything you do!

PS: Our frontline heroes need all the support possible during this pandemic and beyond. Add your name here if you believe our brave front line workers – like nurses and other NHS staff – deserve a permanent pay rise.Ā  And if you believe all front line NHS workers on temporary visas should be able to permanently stay in the UK after the pandemic add your name here.

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