Feb 16th, 2021
5 Facts About Bees
By 38 Degrees team
Bees are important to 38 Degrees members. Whether it’s campaigning to keep dangerous pesticides at bay or planting bee-friendly seeds across the country, 38 Degrees members have always come together to do whatever it takes to protect our buzzy little friends. ?❤️️
But how much do you actually know about bees? Here are 5 facts to test your knowledge:
The Honey bee is probably the best-known bee around, but over 270 species of bee have actually been recorded in Great Britain! Why not check out this bee identification guide from Friends of the Earth, and see how many different kinds of bee you can spot?
There has been a steep decline in bees since the 1990s. Although this does not mean these species are extinct, it may indicate that some have become so scarce that they are no longer regularly observed in the wild.
But it’s not all bad news – lots of people have begun planting wildflowers, or letting areas of long grass grow in summer, which provides bees with essential food! If you don’t have a garden, why not get in touch with local groups that manage parks, playing fields, church yards or school grounds and encourage them to support our bees?
We all know that bees provide us with honey – but they’re also behind a lot of the other food we eat, including fruit, vegetables and nuts!
And while most of us know that bees are essential for the environment – not all of us consider how much they help the economy!