Nov 18th, 2021
Pandora Papers Petition Hand in to No.10
By Robin Priestley

Sarah Hall, Robert Palmer, Angus O’Brien and Faye Brookes hand in the petition to Downing Street.
Today 38 Degrees and Tax Justice UK staff handed in our joint huge petition to Downing Street.
Over 116,000 people have now signed the petition to Boris Johnson asking him to crack down on tax dodging and close the loopholes used by the rich and powerful to avoid paying their fair share.
When the Pandora Papers leaked the rich and powerful were caught AGAIN hiding wealth, avoiding tax and, in some cases, laundering money. According to the news, much of this corruption is taking place right here, in the UK. This is money that could be spent on our NHS, schools or funding Universal Credit and pensions.
This isn’t just about a few rotten eggs; the Pandora Papers have exposed tax-dodging all the way to the top. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair dodged thousands in stamp duty, a major Conservative Party donor was at the centre of a huge corporate scandal – and even the Queen’s Estate is under review over links to a corrupt Azerbaijan ruler. This has to stop.
No matter how rich and powerful the culprits, when we join together, we can hold them to account. Over 110,000 of us signed the petition to close the Mayfair Tax Loophole, and thanks to our efforts, the Government toughened the law.
So thousands of us joined together again, and signed a huge petition calling on the government to stamp this out once and for all. Here’s the pictures of your signatures being handed into No.10 Downing St.