Feb 23rd, 2023
Voter ID information
By Kate Murray
In a matter of weeks on May 4th, many of us in England will be heading to the polls to have our say in the local elections. But because of the Government’s recent changes to election rules – insisting on photo voter ID – TWO MILLION of us could be turned away from voting in UK elections. And worst of all, most don’t even know it!
We can’t stop the Government’s plans from going ahead, but together we CAN help prevent millions of us from being locked out of our democracy.
Knowledge is power so read up about the new voting rules to make sure you can vote in the next election:
- Here’s a full list of accepted forms of photo ID.
- Wanna vote by post? Apply by 18 April.
- If you need it, apply for a free voter authority certificate by 25 April.
- Read more about guidance to polling station staff.