Feb 27th, 2024
February’s Impact Report: 2024 So Far
By 38 Degrees team
So far, 2024 has been a busy year, so we wanted to let you know a few things that we’ve been able to do thanks to the actions of 38 Degrees supporters.
We’re so proud of what we’ve pulled off in just a few weeks. Let’s get stuck into all the good things we’ve achieved together:
We held a former CEO to account for the Post Office Horizon scandal

Paula Vennells handed back her CBE after 1.2 million of us signed a petition demanding she be stripped of her honour, given her involvement in the Post Office Horizon software scandal. But we aren’t stopping there: hundreds of thousands of us are now calling for proper compensation for the victims of the Horizon scandal, and for Alan Bates to receive an honour, too.
38 Degrees supporters are holding the Government’s feet to the fire on NHS waits

We’re hitting the Government hard on NHS waits: we launched the We Can’t Wait site to map the human scale of endless NHS waits, and even reported the Department of Health and Social Care for falsely reporting a reduction in waiting list numbers.
And when Rishi Sunak tried to blame doctors for HIS failure to reduce waiting times, we went to his constituency to remind the Prime Minister that, when it comes to saving our NHS, the buck stops with him.
We’re cracking down on sewage-dumping water companies

107,008 of us signed the petition to stop water bosses’ bonuses until their firms stop releasing raw sewage into our waters. And we’re making headway: Environment Minister Steve Barclay has now proposed to block payouts to executives of firms that commit criminal acts of water pollution. It’s a start – but we need him to go much further. That’s why the 38 Degrees community is demanding sewage-dumpers are fined in shares – and if that doesn’t work, nationalise them. Together, we CAN clean up our rivers and seas from this environmental vandalism.
And last but certainly not least, 38 Degrees supporters joined together with our friends at Act Now in Northern Ireland to call for Ulster Rugby Club to drop Kingspan – the company that made Grenfell Tower’s combustible insulation – as a sponsor. Earlier this year, Kingspan cancelled its sponsorship!
Across the UK, 38 Degrees supporters are taking small actions that amount to big, nationwide change. Thank you for being part of this incredible movement. You help power every win!
Thanks for all that you do,
The 38 Degrees team