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Apr 30th, 2024

April Campaign Highlights

By Itzel

We’ve been able to create some incredible moments of impact recently – all thanks to supporters like you. This election year is our chance for change, and 38 Degrees supporters are making politicians sit up and listen. It gives us so much hope for the year ahead. 

Here are just some of the amazing things we’ve achieved together lately:

Saving NHS dentistry

We teamed up with dentists and The Mirror to push NHS dentistry to the top of the election agenda – and it’s working! Our 205,000-strong petition calling on the next Government to save NHS dentistry made headlines, and we filled the papers with stories from people who can’t get an NHS dentist appointment: from those pulling teeth with pliers to those travelling abroad for treatment.

That’s not all: thanks to donors who chipped in to cover travel costs, we were able to take some 38 Degrees supporters who’ve struggled to access NHS dental care down to Westminster to meet MPs. They told their stories and demanded action, so no one else has to resort to DIY dentistry because they can’t get an appointment. 

Now, even Labour leader Keir Starmer is backing our demands – and our campaign is going from strength to strength.

Making Fujitsu pay for the Post Office scandal

More than 10,000 38 Degrees supporters wrote postcards to the Head of the Post Office Horizon Inquiry demanding Fujitsu pay compensation, and we hand-delivered them in a big 38 Degrees postal van on the day Alan Bates himself gave evidence. 

Our push is paying off: we had wall-to-wall coverage in the papers, a Minister wrote to us about the scandal, and the Head of the Inquiry acknowledged the thousands of postcards from 38 Degrees supporters.

We personally read through hundreds of these postcards, and felt first-hand how passionate and determined our community is. Across the country, supporters are keeping up the pressure to ensure that subpostmasters get the justice they deserve, and that those who inflicted such pain on them are held to account.

38 Degrees supporters demanding change in their local areas

Leigha started a petition on the 38 Degrees website to stop the closure of Bute’s only elderly day centre, and half of the Island’s population signed her petition. And when Stewart in the Isle of Wight launched a petition demanding the Government address chaos on the ferry system which was leaving passengers stranded, the Island’s MP agreed to create a policy to address it. Every day, people in all corners of the country are taking small actions to make their community, and our country, better and fairer for everyone.

We hope you feel as proud to be part of this wonderful community as we do. This election year is our chance for change, and stories like these make us feel so confident that if we keep pushing together, we CAN make 2024 the year we make politicians deliver the change we’re crying out for. 

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